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Guangzhou Lvjian Medical Co.,Ltd  

beeswax foundation sheet, fish oil, essence

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首页 > Products > Organic Beeswax Slab 100% All Natural Bees Wax
Organic Beeswax Slab 100% All Natural Bees Wax
单价 $4.80 / 1kg对比
销量 暂无
浏览 18
发货 Chinaguangdongguangzhou预售,付款后10天内
库存 100001kg起订10001kg
品牌 Sybee
Size 41.5*19.5cm
Acid Value 17 KOH mg/g
Ash 0.23%
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-06-06 11:29
Beeswax is also have very high medicinal value.
In Chinese medicine, beeswax have the effect of detoxification, born muscle and analgesic therapy.
Oral administration and external application can be attending.

Beeswax is widely used in below area
* cosmetic and pharmaceuticals
* polish
* waterproofing
* make foundation comb for beehives
* frangrant candle: Candle making has long involved the use of beeswax which burns readily and cleanly. And this material was traditionally prescribed for the making of the easter candle.
Beeswax candles are purported to be superior to other wax candles, becuase they burn brighter and longer, do not bend and burn clearner.

Besswax benefit
* skin enhancer : beeswax inhibits the growth of bacteria, which can prevent and treat skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema.
* skin moisturizer : it helps protect and repair rough, dry pr chapped skin because it has the ability to lock in moisture.
* liver protector : beeswax helps normalize liver function and improver symptoms of fatty liver disease.