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Guangzhou Lvjian Medical Co.,Ltd  

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首页 > Products > Bee Pollen Powder
Bee Pollen Powder
单价 $9.80 / 1kg对比
销量 暂无
浏览 13
发货 Chinaguangdongguangzhou预售,付款后10天内
库存 100001kg起订1001kg
品牌 Sybee
Protein 25%
Shelf Life 24 month
Brix 0.2%
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-06-06 11:24
Bee pollen is the pollen ball that has been packed by worker honeybees into pellets.
Bee bread is the bee pollen with added honey and bee secretions and stored in brood celles, chambers of wood and mud created by female ground-nesting bees.

When the pollen ball is complete, a single female lays an egg on top of the pollen ball, and seals the brood cell.
Pollen balls are harvested as food for humans.
Bee pollen is someties referred to as ambrosiz.

Application of bee pollen
1. cure for constipation
2. maintain bone health and vitality
3. particularly for male prostate has good pretection and treatment effect.
4. prevent radiation, often surf the internet computer gens rapeseed is also suitable choice.