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Guangzhou Lvjian Medical Co.,Ltd  

beeswax foundation sheet, fish oil, essence

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首页 > Products > Bulk Beeswax Wholesale Organic Beeswax Foundation
Bulk Beeswax Wholesale Organic Beeswax Foundation
单价 $4.80 / 1kg对比
销量 暂无
浏览 7
发货 Chinaguangdongguangzhou预售,付款后10天内
库存 100001kg起订10001kg
品牌 Sybee
Size 41.5*19.5cm
Acid Value 17 KOH mg/g
Ash 0.23%
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-06-06 11:13
Wax foundation has some advantages over letting bees build their own comb
* it provides a guide for bees to build straight comb. Without foundation, the beekeeper runs the rish of having comb built outside the hive frame when they strat, preventing its easy removal for inspection.
* foundation built comb is ususlly stronger in part due to the wiring embedded in the wax. This allows for centrifuge extraction.

* foundation allows beekeepers to increase the size of the cells on the honeycomb. By stamping bigger cells on the foundation than what bees would naturally build, the beekeeper is guiding bees to build bigger cells, increasing the size of worker bees as well as the volume of the cells for honey storage.

Wax foundations are made in various sizes, depending on the frame they will be inserted into. If needed, roller knife is used to cut wax foundations.