Honey is a sweet viscous food substance made by bees and some related insects.
Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants or from secretions of other insects.
Bees store honey in wax structures called honeycombs, the variety of honey producted by honey bees is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption.
Honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from hives of domesticated bees, a practice known as beekeeping or apiculture.
Honey used in medicine.
1. difestive tract diseases, honey is believed in chinese medicine to smooth the stomach and intestines, so its often used as a laxative to treat constipation.
2. respiratory diseases. honey is commonly used to treat rhinitis and sinustitis.Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants or from secretions of other insects.
Bees store honey in wax structures called honeycombs, the variety of honey producted by honey bees is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption.
Honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from hives of domesticated bees, a practice known as beekeeping or apiculture.
Honey used in medicine.
1. difestive tract diseases, honey is believed in chinese medicine to smooth the stomach and intestines, so its often used as a laxative to treat constipation.
3. honey has the effect of promoting wound healing.
4. honey has certain remedial action to the heart, can treat all sorts of cardiac insufficiency and angina pectoris.
5. honey can promote the growth and decelopment of children.