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首页 > Products > Bee Honey Bottle Jars
Bee Honey Bottle Jars
单价 $5.80 / 1kg对比
销量 暂无
浏览 17
发货 Chinaguangdongguangzhou预售,付款后10天内
库存 100001kg起订1001kg
品牌 Sybee
Baume above 42 degree
Shelf Life 24 month
Brix 80%
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-06-06 11:27
Honey is a natural sweet substance produced by the honey collected by bees from flowers and fully brewed in hives. Bees take nectar or secretions from flowers and store them in their second stomach.
Under the effect of transformation in the body, after about 15 days of repeated brewing, the polysaccharide in nectar is transformed into glucose and fructose, which can be directly absorbed by the human body.
The moisture content is less than 23% and stored in the nest hole, sealed with beeswax.

The application of honey
1. used in food industry : honey is an essential ingredient for housewives as food and toppings. Now honey is used in food industry in a wider range, such as royal jelly honey, honey milk, bee milk etc. It is also used in wine, drinks, cakes, candy, popsicle and ice cream.

2.used in medicine : in long-term clinical practice, honey has been found to have preventive and therapeutic effects on the following diseases.