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首页 > Products > Food Supplement Lycopene Capsule
Food Supplement Lycopene Capsule
单价 $3.60 / 100pcs对比
销量 暂无
浏览 24
发货 Chinaguangdongguangzhou付款后3天内
库存 10000100pcs起订300000100pcs
品牌 Sybee
Type Lycopene extract
Dosage Capsule
Function Promotion Development
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-06-06 11:06

Lycopene is a bright red carotenoid hydrocarbon found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons, gas melons and papayas, but it is not present in strawberries or cherries.
In humans the observed safe level for lycopene is 75mg/day, according to one preliminary study.
Lycopene is non-toxic and commonly found in the diet, mainly from tomato products.

1. Can improve male fertility.
2. Breast and uterine health care to reduct the incidence of breast and cervical cancer.
3. Regulare blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
4. Anti-aging, strong anto-oxidation, promote cell regeneration and delay aging.
5. Anti-tumor, inhibit oxidation free radicals through anti-oxidation, reduce the risk of tumor, and inhibit tumor growth.
6. Anti-radiation, protect the skin, inhibit and remove free radicals to prevent external radition and ultraviolet rays from harming the skin.